Tammy Cali

President & CEO

Before joining Eberle Associates, Tammy served as the Chief Executive Officer of several non-profit organizations that utilized direct mail as part of their fundraising programs. She's "done it all" when it comes to direct marketing from running a company specializing in list brokerage and management for non-profit organizations to special event planning.

Tammy is also an experienced copywriter and this experience along with her "can do" enthusiastic attitude are genuine assets to Eberle Associates. In addition, she brings a unique perspective to her role as President and Chief Executive Officer having been a client many years ago. Her client friendly, positive outlook on life combined with relentless persistence and determination serve her well in the supervision of the Eberle Associates creative team.

Tammy has served as a professional dance instructor and has taught in many dance studios throughout Northern Virginia as well as joining with a company to market a new concept that brought dance to children instead of making them go to the studio. Tammy is a Virginia native. She and her husband, Paul, live in Northern Virginia and have two sons, Nicholas and Marcus. Both boys served in the U.S. Military. She enjoys many activities including tap dancing, traveling, billiards, fishing, and other outdoor activities.

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